Innovation for Sustainable Production - Bruges 18-21 April 2010


I-SUP2010 - 2nd International Conference on Innovation for Sustainable Production 2010 in Bruges

Bruges 18-21 April 2010

“Greening the economy” is not just a hype. It asks for a fundamental rethinking of our consumption and production pattern. We must seek to integrate product and process design, make a smart choice of materials, chemicals and energy used, to interconnect between industries both downstream and upstream but also with neighbouring industries and residential areas.
Only then we will be able to really achieve the promise of a sustainable economy and development. This is not a path of ‘less’ but a path of ‘growth’ with respect for, and in collaboration with others. The very nature of sustainable development implies the interconnection and intertwining of economy and ecology going for revolution and not of evolution.
Therefore this large international conference aimed at innovative sustainable production methods tries to intertwine different disciplines and methodologies.
i-SUP2010 will cover 6 separate international congresses at the same time and the same location, each aimed at a specific target audience of industry leaders, universities, research institutes and decision makers, covering such wide fields as :

  • Sustainable Production;
  • Sustainable Chemistry;
  • Sustainable Energy;
  • Materials for Sustainable Production;
  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS);
  • In Vitro Methods replacing Animal Testing (CARDAM).

The stimulating atmosphere and the opportunity for meeting and seeing other disciplines, scientists or industries offers the added value of i-SUP2010 over single topic international conferences.

i-SUP2012 More information is available on the new website www.i-SUP2012.org.

MIP Vlaanderen